Hackers and what they are into

5:21 AM ---
I have been searching for some of my topics to be discussed here again.  I found out that since were in hacking you might think of course I will also post new topics about who are some of this hackers or I will list those top 10 hackers but yeah that is what I am going to post here but not as a list since lot of information can be found now on the internet. There may be a list of it on those online sources and some post were created as slideshow but what I am going to do now is of course share to you who are those mostly appeared on the list.

Hackers as what I shared on my previous post can be classified if they are white hat hacker, black hat or grey hat hackers. Only few white hat hackers and grey hat hackers can be seen on those online sources since mostly appeared are those considered as notorious hackers. I found some good sources online about this people who are involved in this area and let us arrange them according to their ages:
According to this site siliconindia news about their article World's Top 10 Hackers Ever
Kevin David Mitnick started with his minor cybercrimes when he was 12 years old. He hacked the Los Angeles bus transfer system to get free rides the biggest hacking was the breaking into the DEC system to view the VMS source code (open virtual memory system which lead to the clean-up cost of around $160,000. He broke into the computer of top technology and telecommunications like Nokia, Motorola, Fujitsu Siemens and sun Microsystems. He termed his activity as social engineering to legalize his acts. He also gained the full administration privileges to IBM minicomputers at the computer learning institute in Los Angeles for a bet.
Jonathan James, 16 –year –old black hat hacker in the United States. He gained to implementing a series of successful intrusion into various systems. He was well talented in hacking government systems such as NASA and the department of defense. But he is no more. Because on May 18, 2008, aged 25, he committed suicide using a gun. James in his suicide note expressed that he would be made a scapegoat and blamed for cybercrimes he did not commit: “I have no faith in the ‘justice’ system. Perhaps my actions today, and this letter, will send a stronger message to the public. Both way, I have lost control over this situation, and this is my only way to regain control,” as given in List verse.
Michael Calce started to exploited websites primarily for pride and establishing dominance for himself and his cyber group. He is a high school student from west island, Quebec who launched service attacks in the year 2000 against the top commercial websites including Yahoo!, amazon.com, Dell, E-trade, E-Bay and CNN.

The deceptive duo in the year 2002, this two young computer prodigies namely Benjamin Stark, 20 and Robert Lyttle, 18 broke into government networks, including the U.S. navy, NASA, FAA and Department of Defense (DoD).

Raphael Gray, 19 years old when he hacked the computer systems around the world in over six weeks, and made mockery of the security the world felt safe in. His mission was to make a multi- million pound credit card. He published about 6,500 credit cards as an example of weak security in the consumer websites.
Adrian Lamo who is on his teenage years, was born in Boston, He was a homeless hacker since he used internet café, libraries and coffee shop as his location for hacking. He gained to breaking into a series of high profile computer software and networks like the New York Times, yahoo and Microsoft.

While I am still searching and reading articles from other online sources, I also want to share what I found on Tech Crackers Website, based on their article Top 10 Hackers in the World,
George Hotz, also a teenage hacker, is an American hacker known for unlocking the iPhones .He is the first person to hack the Sony play station 3. This is the most hacking attention in his future.
Vladimir Levin, a Russian citizen .This hacker done his hacking through the Citibank. While working from his apartment in St. Petersburg the talented hacker transferred $10 million from the account of Citibank clients to his own account.
More notorious hackers and most notorious on what I shared here can still be found online but what I only listed here are those who hacked different kind of system and government agencies which are on their teenage years. Imagined how computers can really attack on humans mind. Once you learned the technique, style and skills in coding, accessing different database and servers and social engineering while you are young, you can also do this kind of acts but of course doing this kind of action can lead into several punishments. From Hegel quotations from his Philosophy of Right (1921) he said, “Action has a multitude of consequences. Thus the will has the right to repudiate the imputation of all consequences except the first, since it alone was purposed.” And so by Tony Robbins quotation, he said, “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”


Unknown said...

Excellent hacking..
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Unknown said...

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